100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (2024)

The 100th day of school is a huge deal in kindergarten! The students have worked hard to learn how to count to 100 and it is now time to celebrate! I have had the pleasure of throwing many 100th day of school celebrations over the years so I thought I would share some of my favorite ideas and treats.

Have a surprise waiting on their desks.

I love seeing my students’ faces when they walk in and see their desks decorated with confetti and a special treat and award waiting for them. Since it is early in the morning I like to use the mini-doughnut treat with a wafer cookie to represent the number 100. I place them in a Ziploc bag with a treat bag topper that says “Donut” you know it’s the 100th Day of School? You have learned a “hole” bunch!”. I also give them a special, personalized award as a keepsake to commemorate our special day.

In years past when I taught both morning and afternoon kindergarten, I would give my afternoon class these cookie treats since they arrived later in the day. I would place a wafer cookie along with 2 fudge stripe cookies in a baggie and attach a “Happy 100th Day! You’re a smart cookie!” treat bag topper. I would give them a different personalized keepsake award than the morning class to “change it up” a bit and make each class feel special.

Our 100th Day Mascot, Spot

Anyone who knows me knows I am a huge dog lover, soooooo I had to incorporate a dog into our celebration! Since I couldn’t bring my 2 adorable beagles in for the party (lol) I decided to have a spotted Dalmatian named Spot as our official 100th Day mascot. The students had to give Spot exactly 100 spots using either a bingo dabber or a Q-Tip dipped in paint.

100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (4)

I’m Celebrating 100 Days Crown Craft

It just wouldn’t be a celebration without crowns LOL! I used to purchase already-made crowns years ago but then I saw the idea of allowing students to decorate their own and Iwanted to try it. Turns out that the students like decorating their own crowns much more than just putting on a crown that looks like everyone else’sbecause then they can have a personalized, unique looking one. I also like them better becausethey are very simple to make plus I don’t have to purchase new packs every year. I simply copy the crown template I created onto cardstock, have students color and/or write on it, and then attach and size the strip to fit their heads. They are so proud to show everyone that they are celebrating a super special day!

AgingBooth & Chatter Pix Kids App Smashing Activity

A technology activity that I really enjoy doing is using both the AgingBooth app along with Chatter Pix Kids to create a “When I am 100 years old” video (when weuse more than 1 app to create a project wecall it app smashing). I make sure to get a picture of each student prior to the 100th day of school. I then use the free app AgingBooth to make them look older and save the pictures. I would advise to do this step yourself instead of allowing the students to do it because the app has ads that come up whichare games that young students may click. It also has a More Effects button that when clicked shows other apps which have names that are not appropriate for students. Here is an example of a before and after. Students love seeing the older version of themselves!

100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (7)

The students then upload their photo to Chatter Pix Kids and record what they think they will be doing when they are 100 years old. You can also make this a writing activity by having students finish the prompt “When I am 100 years old…”. I felt it was easier for my kinders to verbalize their answers so we used Chatter Pix Kids.

100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (8)

100 Chart Secret Picture (Number)

This is such a fun and cute way to practice number recognition! I call out the numbers in random order and the students have to find each number on their 100 charts and color them in. When finished, they realize that it creates the number 100 (well some youngsters figured it out before the end lol).

Roll Your Way to 100

This activity is a fun way to practice estimating, counting, adding, subitizing, and number recognition all rolled into one (sorry, couldn’t resist the pun). It can be done as a whole group, in pairs, or individually. To begin, students estimate how many rolls of the dice they think it will take to reach 100 and write it at the top of the page. Then they roll the dice and color in the correct number of squares on the 100 chart using a different color crayon each time. After they reach 100, they count the number of colored sections that represent each roll of the dice and write it on the top of the paper and compare their prediction with the actual results.

100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (10)

100 Chart Puzzles and 100 Piece Puzzles

Cut up a 100 chart into puzzle pieces and have students put it back together again for fun number sequencing practice. I also put out some of our favorite 100 piece puzzles for students to put together.

100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (11)

I Would Like 100…, I Would Not Like 100… Pic Collage Activity

I wanted to incorporate some technology into our celebration so I had students complete this activity using the free app Pic Collage (we use the version called Pic Kids specially designed for younger children). You can also use Seesaw or Google Slides.

I showed students the following sentence starters – I would like to have 100… , I would not like to have 100…. We discussed it as a group along with some possible answers then studentsmade their own versions in Pic Kids. They typed in each sentence starter and then searched for pictures to complete each one. Since Pic Kids web search is safe, they could use it if they needed it.

100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (12)

100th Day of School Snack Ideas

I have been doing the trail mix snack idea for years and still love it. Each student is responsible for bring in exactly 100 pieces of their ingredientfor our trail mix (M&Ms, Cheerios, mini-pretzels, Chex cereal, Goldfish crackers, mini-marshmallows, raisins, chocolate chips, popcorn). We combine them together to create a trail mix snack.

100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (13)

I have recently started adding this cute and healthy snack as well – a baby carrot and 2 cucumber slices to resemble the number 100. I make them either the night before or first thing in the morning and place them in snack bags with the topper “Hip Hip Hooray! It’s the 100th Day!”.

Can You Be Silent for 100 Seconds?

This is a fun challenge to do with students – seeif they can be completely silent for 100 seconds! You can also pair it with the next activity by telling them if they are quiet for 100 seconds they will get a $100 bill LOL.

Personalized $100 Bills

100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (14)

Students love seeing their face on $100 bills! You can create these free at PhotoFunia.com(please note that you do NOT have to download anything – ignore the green download buttons – they are ads). Click the Choose Photo button, upload your photo, and click Go.

Which Container Has 100 Items?

Set out 3 containers with candy and only fill one of them with exactly 100 candies. Have students guess which container they think has exactly 100 candies in it. Record their guesses. After everyone has put in their guess, dump them out and count.

100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (15)

100 Link Paper Chain

Before we create our paper chain, I have students estimate how long they think a 100 link paper chain will be. I take themout in the hallway and show them wherewe will place the beginning of it and then have them go stand where they feel the chain will end. I give them each a piece of masking tape to mark their spot and they write their names on it. Then, we split up into groups. Each group gets strips of paper with numbers on them and they must put them in order and link them together. Next, we come together as a class and link all of the group chains in order from 1-100, take it out into the hallway, lay it down and see if anyone’s guess was close to the actual length (I couldn’t get a picture of the entire chain – here is a section with some of the students’ guesses beside it).

100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (16)

100th Day of School Take-Home Treats

I also like to give students a little something special to take home to commemorate our special celebration. Here are some of the treats I have given out over the years.

100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (17)

100 Days Smarter Treat Tag and Certificate – The students always enjoy getting Smarties candy for being 100 days smarter – they think it is funny. I like to pair it with this special certificate that students can keep for years to come. Our grocery store sells the Smarties candy rolls in the bulk candy section and you can also find them here on Amazon.

100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (18)

You are Worth More Than 100 Grand Treat and Tag – Since the name of this candy bar goes with our 100 days party theme I had to use it as a treat! I simply attach it to this cute tag!

100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (19)

Crazy Straw Treat with Tag & Personalized Certificate– I like to give these crazy straws as a non-candy treat along with these personalized certificates.

100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (20)

You are 100 Days Brighter Glow Stick – This is another non-candy favorite treat idea. Attach this cute tag to a glow stick and brighten your students’ day before they go home.

Book List

100th Day Worries
Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten (Picture Puffins)
Rocket’s 100th Day of School (Step Into Reading, Step 1)
Centipede’s One Hundred Shoes
The Night Before the 100th Day of School

If you would like to use the printables from this post (treat tags, editable awards / certificates, printable crown, activity pages) with your students during your 100th day of school celebration they are available here.

100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (21)

“I will use this every year! The resource made planning easy and stress free. My students made comments about how much fun they had and were completely engaged!” —Barbara R.

“This bundle is absolutely amazing. The certificates and treat bag tags are so beautiful and you have the many different options to choose from. Thank you so much for putting in so much time and effort to make these editable and perfect!” – Jessica C.

“This is a tool kit of supplies that is a must have for any teacher.” – Erin A.

“I absolutely loved using everything in this pack. My students were so excited for the 100th day of school.” —Melissa E.

They are also including in this money-saving bundle pack.

100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (22)

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100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (23)
100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (24)


Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert and enthusiast, I have personal experiences or emotions, but I can provide you with information related to the concepts mentioned in this article.

The 100th Day of School Celebration in Kindergarten

The 100th day of school is a significant milestone in kindergarten, where students celebrate their achievement of learning how to count to 100. It is a time for fun activities and treats to commemorate this special day. Here are some ideas mentioned in the article:

Surprise Treats on Desks

One idea is to have a surprise waiting on the students' desks when they arrive in the morning. The author suggests using mini-doughnuts and wafer cookies to represent the number 100. These treats can be placed in Ziploc bags with a treat bag topper that says, "Donut you know it's the 100th Day of School? You have learned a 'hole' bunch!" Additionally, personalized awards can be given to each student as a keepsake [[1]].

100th Day Mascot

The author incorporates a Dalmatian named Spot as the official 100th Day mascot. The students are tasked with giving Spot exactly 100 spots using a bingo dabber or a Q-Tip dipped in paint [[2]].

Crown Craft

To add to the celebration, students can decorate their own crowns instead of using pre-made ones. This allows for personalization and uniqueness. The process involves copying a crown template onto cardstock, coloring and/or writing on it, and attaching a strip to fit their heads [[3]].

AgingBooth & Chatter Pix Kids App Smashing Activity

A technology activity suggested in the article involves using the AgingBooth app and Chatter Pix Kids to create a "When I am 100 years old" video. Students' pictures are taken prior to the 100th day of school, and the AgingBooth app is used to make them look older. The pictures are then uploaded to Chatter Pix Kids, where students record what they think they will be doing when they are 100 years old [[4]].

100 Chart Secret Picture

This activity is a fun way to practice number recognition. The teacher calls out numbers in random order, and the students have to find each number on their 100 charts and color them in. When finished, the colored sections reveal the number 100 [[5]].

Roll Your Way to 100

In this activity, students estimate how many rolls of the dice it will take to reach 100. They then roll the dice and color in the correct number of squares on a 100 chart. After reaching 100, they count the number of colored sections and compare their prediction with the actual results [[6]].

100 Chart Puzzles and 100 Piece Puzzles

Cutting up a 100 chart into puzzle pieces provides students with a fun way to practice number sequencing. Additionally, providing 100 piece puzzles for students to put together can be an engaging activity [[7]].

"I Would Like 100..." Pic Collage Activity

Using the free app Pic Collage, students can complete an activity where they finish the sentence starters "I would like to have 100..." and "I would not like to have 100...". They can type in each sentence starter and search for pictures to complete each one [[8]].

100th Day of School Snack Ideas

The article suggests two snack ideas for the 100th day of school. One idea is to create a trail mix where each student brings in exactly 100 pieces of their chosen ingredient. The ingredients can include M&Ms, Cheerios, mini-pretzels, Chex cereal, Goldfish crackers, mini-marshmallows, raisins, chocolate chips, and popcorn. These ingredients are combined to create a trail mix snack. Another snack idea involves creating a snack resembling the number 100 using a baby carrot and two cucumber slices. These snacks can be placed in snack bags with a topper that says, "Hip Hip Hooray! It's the 100th Day!" [[9]].

Other Activities and Treats

The article mentions additional activities and treats for the 100th day of school celebration, such as a challenge to be silent for 100 seconds, personalized $100 bills with students' faces, guessing which container has exactly 100 candies, creating a 100 link paper chain, and giving students take-home treats like Smarties candy, 100 Grand candy bars, crazy straws, and glow sticks [[10]].

Book Recommendations

The article also provides a list of books related to the 100th day of school celebration, including "100th Day Worries," "Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten," "Rocket's 100th Day of School," "Centipede's One Hundred Shoes," and "The Night Before the 100th Day of School" [[11]].

I hope these ideas and concepts related to the 100th day of school celebration in kindergarten are helpful to you!

100th Day of School Ideas & Treats - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block (2024)
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