Ready to deck the (school) halls and welcome everyone to your classroom? These back-to-school bulletin board ideas are exactly what you need, including displays created by teachers on the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE Facebook group. There’s something here to match every teacher personality, and lots of them are easy enough for anyone to do.Make this your best back to schoolever!
Plus, protect your hard work on these amazing bulletin boards with Fadeless Bulletin Board Paper! It’ll keep colors bright and bold for the entire year ahead.
(Just a heads up, WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend items our team loves!)
1. Peek-a-Boo!
Post a pic of each student under a flap with their name on it to help students learn their classmates’ names and faces. This is geared toward younger kids but could be tweaked for older students too.
Source: @playtolearnps
2. Un-BEE-Lievable Work
This playful bulletin board puts your students’ hard work on display. Here’s where you can get the adorable bee cutouts, 3D butterflies (free download), picket fence boarder, and the 3D sun.
Source: Creative Teaching Press
3. Our Hands
Create a gorgeous and inclusive display in your classroom this year. Help your students understand the impact of their actions on others and how they can spread positivity.
Source: Our Hands Bulletin Board/Fadeless Paper
4. Racing Into a Good Year
This racing theme works for any elementary grade. Grab those fun car cutouts here.
Source: @kinder_with_rainbows
5. Look Who’s Poppin’
Pop into the school year with this delicious-looking board!
Source: Little Fun Little Learning
6. Bright Bunch
Looking for 3D back-to-school bulletin board ideas? These 3D crayons are actually really easy to make using the free template you can get here.
7. Today Is Awesome
Students and teachers will stop in their tracks to see this gorgeous board! Each student’s uniqueness really shines through.
Source: Today Is Awesome Bulletin Board/Fadeless Paper
8. Be Hamilton Inspired
Hamilton fan? This back-to-school bulletin board is for you! Print out some of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s inspirational tweets for an easy display.
Source: lock9livin
9. Dive Into Learning
If you’d rather be under the sea, try this board and invite students to dive into learning.
Source: @clutterfreeclassroom
10. Parent Board
Teacher Tip: “I grabbed some of the dry-erase pockets off of Amazon, making it easy to swap in and out materials throughout the year. Another added bonus is that we are able to store multiple flyers in one pocket, making it easily accessible for our families who speak a home language other than English to read and explore our bilingual materials. The pockets also help viewers to easily see the information, and avoids staples, crumpled papers, and is easily readable.”
Source: @twopeasinaprimarypod – Parent Board
11. Pieces of Us
Build a puzzle that shows how your classroom fits together. Find out more about this activity at the link.
Source: Kirsten’s Kaboodle
12. Inspire Others
For a refreshing take on a back-to-school bulletin board, leave it up to your students to fill in the blanks with some inspirational words.
Source: Inspire Others Bulletin Board/Fadeless Paper
13. Spark Joy
Such a simple concept—spell out a word in large letters and have students fill it with their thoughts on that word.
Source: Macy Dawn on Pinterest
14. This Is Your Year To …
If you’re looking for back-to-school bulletin board ideas that are simple, colorful, and easy to do, this one makes a big impression right off the bat.
15. Magical Work Coming Soon
Placeholders for now, but soon they’ll be filled! Glue tacks to the backs of clothespins to make the paper holders.
Source: @teachkidsdrinkcoffee
16. O-Fish-Ally
How cute are these colorful fish? Write each student’s name on the bubbles for some added personalization.
Source: Little Fun Little Learning
17. This Is Where the Fun Happens
You can buy kits to make those large paper flowers, or just simplify things and cut 2D floral shapes out of colorful paper.
Source: @kc_teacher
18. Class Family Is Everything
Love this simple black-and-white theme, and choosing a different font for each student’s name is so effective!
Source: @headoverheelsforteaching
19. Superheroes in Training
If you can see it, you can be it. Invite kids to visualize themselves as superheroes with these cute caped cutouts.
20. Go After Your Dreams
This dreamy lavender board is actually quite simple to make using colorful strands of paper and yarn.
Source: Go After Your Dreams Bulletin Board/Fadeless Paper
21. Welcome to the Flock!
This board is easy to do when you buy all the pre-cut pieces from Creative Teaching Press on Amazon.
Source: @simply_sprout
22. Meet the Person …
This is an easy way to spread the message of responsibility. Find inexpensive mirrors at the dollar store or thrift store, and paint the frames in bright colors.
23. Showcase the Rules
Make your rules board fun with a faux wood background and lots of bright colors.
24. #firstday
Ready for some artwork or selfies for the first day of school!
25. Kindergarten Is Cool
And so is this bulletin board! We love the shades.
26. 180 Opportunities
Set the stage for all the incredible experiences to come in the days ahead. Grab this customizable kit on TpT.
27. Share the Social Love
Even if kids aren’t on social media themselves, they can see the page update in real life!
28. Like Boom!
Give them something to believe in right from the start.
29. Wanted Posters
Saddle up for a year of rootin’-tootin’ fun with this clever idea.
Source: Welcome to the Uni-Corner
30. Rockin’ Our New Shoes
Younger students will adore this Pete the Cat–inspired bulletin board idea. On the first day of school, each student can color the shoe with their name on it.
Source: Practice Makes Progress in Preschool
31. Fill a Bucket
This is such a sweet way to promote kindness in the classroom. You can make your own buckets out of foam, or buy inexpensive metal buckets instead. (Find more bucket filler activities here.)
32. When You Enter This Classroom …
Let kids know that they’ve found a place where they are celebrated, they are accepted, and they are important.
33. You Are …
Find a round mirror at the thrift store, then use it to emphasize that each and every kid is special and belongs in your classroom.
34. Guess Who?
Have kids draw a self-portrait and share some facts about themselves on the first day of school. Then post them for an easy back-to-school bulletin board!
35. Reading Adventures
This is a reading theme, but you could actually use maps throughout the classroom for an easy theme. Need old maps? Hit your local used-book store, thrift store, or just ask friends online.
36. Rainbow of Possibilities
If you are an art teacher looking for back-to-school bulletin board ideas, this is such a creative but surprisingly easy bulletin board. Plus, you can switch out the message throughout the year.
37. Happy Campers
Bring in all the adventurous vibes to the school year with this camper bulletin board idea. The window planters are our favorite part!
Source: Julie McGill on Pinterest
38. Oh Snap!
This board is great for the social media–obsessed teacher. Students will love seeing their faces displayed.
Source: MicheLLLe on Pinterest
39. Wonder Wall
Speaking of superheroes, how about this wonderful board?
Source:Jessica W. on Pinterest
40. Paint Sample Popsicles
Yes, this back-to-school bulletin board is made of paint samples. So clever!
Source: @cactiandsunshinecreation
41. Ice Cream Truck
Keep those summer vibes going with this colorful ice cream truck bulletin board idea!
Source: Riffat Naeem on Pinterest
42. This Year Will Be a Hoot
Owl of your students will adore this board!
Source: Julie Hicken on Pinterest
43. Seek and Find
Have students (and teachers) draw themselves. Then each week post a new person to find.
Source: Art at Three Creeks
44. Game On
If you’re looking for interactive back-to-school bulletin board ideas, try this one. Turn the first day into a fun guessing game. Students will love revealing their pictures.
Source: Team Nielson News Stand
45. Pirate’s Treasure
This board is inargggguably super cute! The treasure chest can even hold goodies for you to give to your class.
Source: The Teacher’s Chair
46. Blooming Board
Colorful 3D flowers and a welcoming message in a lovely font make this board a pleasure to look at. Learn how to make the flowers at the link.
Source: Art, Craft & Bulletin Board Ideas by Manisha
47. Sudoku Interactive Board
If you’re a teacher who likes to dive right in with curriculum, this is the board for you.
48. Soar to New Heights
What a gorgeous bulletin board! Students will love taking selfies in front of these beautiful wings. It’ll get them started off to have a great year.
Source: @twopeasinaprimarypod – Watch Us Soar!
49. Hungry for Learning
Eric Carle’s Very Hungry Caterpillar makes this bulletin board idea pop!
Source: Annaliza Villarosa on Pinterest
50. LEGO Building
For LEGO-obsessed classes, this board will definitely build excitement!
Source: Mrs. O Knows
51. Hunger Games Board
This board was originally created for a dorm, but wouldn’t it be great in an English classroom?
Source:Celia F. on Pinterest
52. Rockin’ School Year
Pete the Cat may be the coolest bus driver ever. Students will love seeing him welcome them to school!
Source: Librarian Chica on Pinterest
53. A Llama Welcome
Llamas are just as trendy as ever, and cute to boot!
54. Tweety Birds
How cute are these tweety birds? Decorate your classroom door to make your classroom even more inviting.
Source: Kay Park on Pinterest
55. Practically Perfect
That Mary Poppins silhouette makes this board as sweet as a spoonful of sugar.
Source: Creativity to the Core
56. Welcome to School
Nothing is more welcoming than some adorable woodland creatures. Make these using different-colored poster board paper.
Source: Kayla Rodriguez on Pinterest
57. Bustin’ Into School
Need back-to-school bulletin board ideas to keep track of bus numbers? This simple board will definitely keep you organized and put smiles on all your students’ faces.
Source: First Grade Blue Skies
58. Chew It Over
You may not allow gum in the classroom, but you’ll want to make an exception for this charming board!
Source: Doodle Bugs Teaching
59. Butterfly Tree
This gorgeous door may take some time to make, but it’s worth it! Don’t be afraid to play around with the colors to match your classroom theme.
Source: The Printed Society on Instagram
60. Ladybug Love
Seeing spots can be a good thing, as this adorable ladybug board proves!
Source: Melissa W. on Pinterest
61. Mighty Trees
Put your Cricut machine to good use with this adorable bulletin board idea! Students will love making their own apples.
Source: Apples and ABC’s on Instagram
62. Attitude Is the Mind’s Paintbrush
A great message displayed on a super-creative board. Give this one a try to brighten up any classroom.
Source: Fun in Fourth
63. A Board With a Twist
This playful board was part of a board-game classroom theme, but it could stand on its own just fine. Find paper handprints and footprints here.
Source: Mrs. Shininger’s Blog
64. All Are Welcome
Inclusivity rocks, and so does this board! What a great way to start off the year.
Source: Amy Jones on Instagram
65. Kickin’ It
If you have a sporty theme for your classroom, this board is perfect! Kick off the year on the right foot.
Source: 4th Grade Flair on Instagram
66. Future Leaders
Encourage kids to see their bright futures!
Source: Crafty Ms. G on Instagram
67. Reading Colors Your World
Back to school means opening up fresh boxes of crayons and markers. This board has some cute smiling ones!
Source: Three for Me on Instagram
68. Magical Year
For all those Harry Potter–obsessed teachers, this board is perfect! Put some Hogwarts inspiration in your classroom to make it extra magical.
Source: The School Counselor Life
69. A Minion Reasons
Turn your classroom into some cute yellow Minions! Younger kiddos will love this one.
Source: Best Life Mistake
70. Hungry Learners
Nemo and his friends are hungry to learn!
Source: The Crafty Queen on Pinterest
71. Donut Board
Sprinkle some love onto this sweet board!
Source: Craftee Miss Bee on Instagram
72. Be a Pineapple
Who knew pineapples had such great advice?!
Source: Cat on Pinterest
73. The Sharpest Bunch
Angela G. made cacti from tissue paper flowers for this back-to-school board. Add these cacti cutouts to complete the scene.
74. Libraries Love You Too
Even the library books (and librarians) can get in on the act!
Source: @twolibrarians
75. Picture Yourself
Have students draw their own selfies or snap them with your camera. Either way, this bright board by will be a hit!
Source: Differentiated Kindergarten
76. A Latte Learning
Back to school means all the best parts of fall are back! Lattes and leaves make us very happy.
Source: Apples and ABC’s on Instagram
77. Nuts About Learning
These smiling acorns are sure to brighten up any classroom!
Source: Bulletin Board Ideas
78. Swim Together
Every student is unique; remind them of that on this cute board!
Source: Kriista Littleton on Pinterest
79. Who Am I?
Students will get to know each other in no time flat when you post this board with self-portraits and identifying clues.
Source: The Thinker Builder
80. Our Flock Rocks
Write each of your students’ names on the birds to really personalize this board. A simple cloud background ties it all together.
Source: Sunny Days in Second Grade
81. Dino-Mite
Younger students will adore this colorful dino-mite board.
Source: Bulletin Board Ideas
82. Buzzing With Excitement
Show the love for all your students as they come back to school. They won’t be able to bee-lieve how cute the classroom looks!
Source: Jan Mc on Pinterest
83. Keys to Success
Show your class all the ways they can succeed with this super simple and cute board.
Source: Robin Bowman Thoma on Pinterest
84. Dream It
Interactive boards allow your students to feel included even on the very first day. Make those dreams a reality!
Source: Holly Steffl on Pinterest
85. Smiles Board
Encouraging kindness at the beginning of the year is always a good idea. This board will be an effective reminder in any classroom!
Source: Print Designs by Kris on Pinterest
86. Change Your Mind
Turn that negative self-talk into something positive! Perfect for students who need a little encouragement.
Source: Trista Ziegelmann on Pinterest
87. Imagination Station
Encourage students to talk about their summer reading with this imaginative bulletin board idea.
Source: Busy Kids Happy Mom
88. Back to the Books
Back to school means back to the books! This board is perfect for an ELA teacher or a librarian.
Source: Life in the Library
89. Adventure Begins
Get your students on the road to learning. Perfect for any teacher who wants a simple but adorable bulletin board idea.
Source: Continually Learning
90. Kinder Stars
Watch little faces light up when you welcome them to your classroom with this shining idea.
Source:Miss Wells Kinder Stars
91. Falling Back to School
Keep it simple with this fall board. Add in any fall-themed elements to really make it pop.
Source: Tammenoksa
92. Sharpen Your Minds
If you lack artistic abilities, try out this board using pencils as the letters. It’s No. 1 in our book!
Source: Ewehooo
93. Books Are Like Texts
How hilarious is this board? Perfect for texting-obsessed students (and teachers).
Source: Mepham High School Library
94. Lights, Camera, Learn
Introduce your class with this movie theater bulletin board idea. So creative!
Source: Life in the Library
95. The Sky Is the Limit
Up and away! These paper lantern hot-air balloons will definitely raise spirits in your classroom.
Source: The Classroom Key
96. Mirror Mirror
A little aluminum foil makes this board a perfect reflection of exciting things to come.
Source: Mrs. Wills Kindergarten
97. Everyone Matters
Remind students and faculty that everyone matters with this back-to-school bulletin board idea. Add some colorful polka dots and you’re set!
Source: The Teacher With a Ponytail
98. All About Me
Your whole class will turn into artists with these adorable self portraits. Have them add some fun facts so every student gets to know one another.
Source: Tunstall’s Teaching Tidbits
99. Learn Together
Such a sweet sentiment for a first day of school bulletin board. We are all in this together!
Source: Teach All the Things on Instagram
100. First Day Excitement
Celebrate your students being back in the classroom! Add some cute colorful hearts.
Source: AOL on Pinterest
101. Future World Changers
Your students are going to change the world, why not celebrate it? Students will love seeing themselves displayed!
Source: The Bender Bunch on Instagram
We’d love to hear your back-to-school bulletin board ideas as well! Come share your photos in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.
Plus, check out Interactive Bulletin Boards That Will Engage Students at Every Level.
Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts
Back-to-school bulletin boards are a great way to create an inviting and engaging classroom environment. There are numerous ideas and themes to choose from, and many teachers have shared their creative displays on platforms like the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE Facebook group. Here are some concepts used in this article, along with a brief description of each:
Peek-a-Boo!: This bulletin board idea involves posting a picture of each student under a flap with their name on it, helping students learn their classmates' names and faces. It can be adapted for different age groups [[1]].
Un-BEE-Lievable Work: This playful bulletin board showcases students' hard work. It features bee cutouts, 3D butterflies, a picket fence border, and a 3D sun [[2]].
Our Hands: This inclusive display promotes positivity and helps students understand the impact of their actions on others. It can be created using bulletin board paper and students' handprints [[3]].
Racing Into a Good Year: This racing-themed bulletin board is suitable for elementary grades. It incorporates fun car cutouts [[4]].
Look Who's Poppin': This board features a popcorn theme, adding a delicious touch to the start of the school year [[5]].
Bright Bunch: This idea involves creating 3D crayons using a free template. It's a colorful and eye-catching back-to-school bulletin board idea [[6]].
Today Is Awesome: This gorgeous board celebrates each student's uniqueness. It can be created using bulletin board paper and other decorative elements [[7]].
Be Hamilton Inspired: For Hamilton fans, this bulletin board idea incorporates inspirational tweets from Lin-Manuel Miranda. It's a great way to infuse some musical inspiration into the classroom [[8]].
Dive Into Learning: This underwater-themed board invites students to dive into learning. It can be created using various ocean-themed decorations [[9]].
Parent Board: This idea involves using dry-erase pockets to easily swap and display materials throughout the year. It's a practical and accessible way to share information with families who speak different languages [[10]].
These are just a few examples of the back-to-school bulletin board ideas mentioned in the article. Each idea offers a unique and creative way to welcome students and create an engaging learning environment. Feel free to explore these concepts further and adapt them to suit your classroom's needs and theme.