L Words for Kids: Preschool & Kindergarten Activities (2024)

Hey there! Are you ready to dive into the world of “L words” with me? In this article, I’ll be sharing some awesome L words that are perfect for kids in preschool and kindergarten. Learning new words can be so much fun, and it’s a crucial part of a child’s early education. So, let’s get started and explore the exciting world of L words together!

We all know that kids at this age are like little sponges, soaking up knowledge and expanding their vocabulary every day. That’s why it’s important to introduce them to a variety of words that start with the letter L. From animals to objects, colors to actions, we’ll cover it all in this article. By the end, your little ones will be able to confidently identify and use these L words, making their conversations even more colorful and engaging.

Table of Contents

Importance of Learning L Words in Preschool and Kindergarten

As a teacher in preschool or kindergarten, I understand the importance of introducing young children to a wide range of words. Building their vocabulary at an early age is not only fun but also essential for their overall development. In this section, I will discuss the significance of learning L words in preschool and kindergarten.

L Words for Kids: Preschool & Kindergarten Activities (1)

Enhancing Vocabulary Skills

Learning L words can greatly enhance a child’s vocabulary skills. By introducing words that start with the letter L, we provide them with a variety of new words to explore and use in their everyday conversations. This exposure to different words helps them expand their vocabulary and develop a deeper understanding of language.

When children become familiar with L words such as “lion,” “ladybug,” and “lollipop,” they can confidently express their thoughts and ideas. It enables them to describe things around them, talk about their preferences, and communicate their needs more effectively. Moreover, a strong vocabulary lays the foundation for successful reading and writing skills later on.

Improving Language Development

Learning L words in preschool and kindergarten also plays a significant role in a child’s overall language development. It not only helps them communicate better but also improves their listening and comprehension skills. When children come across L words in stories, songs, or conversations, they develop the ability to recognize and understand them in context.

Moreover, learning L words can enhance their phonological awareness, which is the ability to identify and manipulate sounds in words. Pronouncing words like “lamp,” “lemon,” and “lizard” requires them to focus on the sounds each letter makes. This phonemic awareness not only helps in learning new words but also lays the foundation for reading and spelling.

Introducing preschool and kindergarten children to L words is crucial for their vocabulary and language development. By learning L words, children enhance their vocabulary skills and improve their overall language abilities. This not only benefits their communication skills but also sets them up for success in reading and writing.

Preschool Words that Start with L

WordSentence for Kids
LionThe lion is the king of the jungle.
LemonI like lemonade on a hot summer day.
LeafLook at the colorful leaf on the tree.
LadybugThe red ladybug crawled on my hand.
LampLet’s turn on the lamp for some light.
LollipopI got a lollipop as a special treat.
LizardThe lizard can change its colors.
LaughIt’s fun to laugh with friends.
LunchWhat’s in your lunchbox today?
LittleThe little puppy is so cute and tiny.
LoveI love my family very much.

4 Letter Words for Toddlers that Start with L

WordSentence for Kids
LionThe lion roars in the zoo.
LeafLook at the green leaf on the ground.
LambThe fluffy lamb is so soft.
LoveWe share love with our family.
LarkThe lark sings a sweet song.
LakeLet’s go for a swim in the lake.
LeapI can leap like a frog.
LimeA lime is a sour green fruit.
LockI can lock and unlock the door.
LoomWeaving on a loom is fun and creative.
LureThe colorful lure attracts fish.

Words That Start With L For Kids

WordSentence for Kids
LionThe lion is the king of the jungle.
LemonI like lemonade on a hot summer day.
LeafLook at the colorful leaf on the tree.
LadybugThe red ladybug crawled on my hand.
LampLet’s turn on the lamp for some light.
LollipopI got a lollipop as a special treat.
LizardThe lizard can change its colors.
LaughIt’s fun to laugh with friends.
LunchWhat’s in your lunchbox today?
LittleThe little puppy is so cute and tiny.
LoveI love my family very much.

Science Words That Start With L

WordSentence for Kids
LaboratoryScientists work in a laboratory with cool tools.
LightningLightning is a bright flash during a storm.
LavaLava flows from a volcano and is very hot.
LunarThe lunar eclipse makes the moon look different.
LensA magnifying glass has a special lens.
LiquidWater is a common example of a liquid.
LatitudeLatitude lines help us find locations on Earth.
LuminousStars in the night sky are luminous and bright.
LightningLightning bugs light up in the dark.

School Words that Start with L

L Words for Kids: Preschool & Kindergarten Activities (2)
WordSentence for Kids
LessonToday’s lesson was about animals.
LibraryI love reading books at the library.
LunchboxMy lunchbox has a sandwich and apple.
LearnWe go to school to learn new things.
LetterLet’s write a letter to our pen pal.
LineDraw a straight line with your ruler.
ListenListen carefully to the teacher’s instructions.
LockersWe keep our backpacks in the lockers.
LollipopI got a lollipop from my teacher.
LaptopI use a laptop to do my schoolwork.

Cool Words that Start with L For Kids

WordSentence for Kids
LaserScientists use a laser to study cool things.
LightningLightning is like a cool flash in the sky.
LagoonLet’s go swimming in the cool lagoon.
LaunchThe rocket will launch into space soon.
LavaLava from a volcano can be really cool and hot.
LegendThe legend of the dragon is super cool!
LighthouseThe lighthouse guides ships safely at night.
LocomotiveThe old steam locomotive is a cool train.
LeviathanA leviathan is a cool-sounding sea monster.
LoftyBirds build their nests in lofty trees.
LuminousThe stars in the night sky are luminous and bright.

Positive Words that Start with L for Kids

WordSentence for Kids
LoveLove is a warm feeling you share with family.
LaughWe all laugh when we hear a funny joke.
LuckyFinding a four-leaf clover makes you feel lucky.
LearnLearning new things at school is exciting.
LightA shining star in the sky gives us light at night.
LivelyPlaying with friends makes us feel lively.
LovelyA bouquet of flowers can be so lovely.
ListenIt’s important to listen to your parents.
LeaderYou can be a leader by being kind and helpful.
LearnEvery day is a chance to learn and grow.
LendSharing your toys with others is a kind thing to do.

List of “L” Words For Kids

Introducing children to words that start with the letter “L” can be an exciting way to enhance their vocabulary and language development. Here is a list of some fun and easy “L” words for kids, perfect for preschool and kindergarten:

  • Lion: The king of the jungle! Lions are majestic creatures with a loud roar.
  • Lemon: A sour and tangy fruit that is great for making lemonade.
  • Lollipop: A sweet treat on a stick, available in various flavors and colors.
  • Lamp: A light source that brightens up a room.
  • Ladybug: A small, colorful insect with black spots on its red or orange wings.
  • Leaf: The green part of a plant that helps absorb sunlight for photosynthesis.
  • Lake: A large body of water surrounded by land.
  • Lunch: A midday meal that provides the energy for the rest of the day.
  • Lizard: A reptile with a long tail and scaly skin.
  • Library: A place filled with books and knowledge.
  • Letter: A written message or symbol representing a sound in a language.
  • Lollipop: A sweet treat on a stick, available in various flavors and colors.
Read: Fun Ways to Teach X Words to Preschool and Kindergarten Kids

These are only a few examples of the many “L” words that children can learn and have fun with. As they explore these new words, their vocabulary will expand, and they’ll be able to communicate more effectively.

By introducing children to a wide range of words from an early age, we are setting them up for success in reading and writing. Learning “L” words can also improve listening and comprehension skills, as well as phonological awareness, which is essential for reading and spelling.

Encourage your students to use these “L” words in conversations, story-telling, and writing exercises. It will not only make their language learning journey more enjoyable but also help them become confident and articulate individuals.

Activities to Teach L Words to Kids

L Words for Kids: Preschool & Kindergarten Activities (3)

When it comes to teaching L words to kids in preschool and kindergarten, there are several fun and engaging activities that can help them learn and remember these words. Here are three effective activities you can try in your classroom:

L Word Picture Cards

One effective way to introduce and reinforce L words is by using picture cards. These cards feature a variety of objects that start with the letter L, such as lion, lemon, and lollipop. Start by showing the picture cards to the children and pronouncing the word aloud. Then, encourage them to repeat the word and identify the beginning sound. You can also play games like “Find the L Word” where you scatter the cards around the room and ask the kids to find the L word that matches the picture. This activity not only helps them recognize L words, but also improves their vocabulary and phonemic awareness.

Read: Discover the Best Rhyming Words for Kids to Enhance Language Development and Reading Skills

Letter Tracing Worksheets

Letter tracing worksheets are another effective tool for teaching L words to kids. These worksheets provide opportunities for children to practice writing the letter L and reinforce their understanding of the words that start with this letter. You can create your own worksheets or find printable ones online. Guide the kids to trace the letter L with their finger or a pencil, and then ask them to draw objects or complete words that begin with the letter L. This activity not only helps them develop their handwriting skills, but also reinforces their letter-sound association and vocabulary.

L Word Memory Game

Memory games are a fun and interactive way for kids to practice L words. Create a set of cards with pairs of L word pictures, such as ladybug, ladder, and lamp. Place the cards face down on the table and ask the children to turn over two cards at a time, trying to find a matching pair of L words. As they flip the cards, encourage them to say the word aloud, reinforcing their pronunciation and word recognition skills. This game not only engages their memory and concentration, but also enhances their vocabulary and phonics abilities.

These activities are designed to make learning L words enjoyable and interactive for kids in preschool and kindergarten. By incorporating these activities into your lessons, you can help children develop their vocabulary skills, phonological awareness, and overall language development.

Storytime with L Words

In my experience as an expert blogger and educator, I have found that incorporating storytelling into language lessons is an effective way to engage preschool and kindergarten children. When it comes to teaching L words, it’s no different. Let’s explore two delightful stories that can help children learn and remember words that start with the letter L.

The Lion and the Lamb

One story that I love to share with my students is “The Lion and the Lamb.” This captivating tale not only introduces L words but also instills important values like courage and kindness. As I read the story aloud, I emphasize the L words, such as lion, lamb, and love.

To make the story even more interactive, I encourage the children to act out the different characters. We roar like a lion and bleat like a lamb, bringing the story to life. Through this activity, children not only associate the sound of the letter L with words, but they also practice their phonemic awareness.

Lily’s Lucky Day

Another wonderful story to explore L words is “Lily’s Lucky Day.” This charming tale follows the adventures of Lily, a young girl who finds a lucky penny. Throughout the story, we encounter various L words such as penny, lucky, and ladybug.

To engage the children further, I provide them with picture cards of the different L words. As we read the story together, they hold up the corresponding picture card when they hear the word. This activity reinforces their recognition of L words and enhances their vocabulary.

By incorporating these interactive storytelling activities into your language lessons, you can create a dynamic and engaging learning environment. Not only will children have fun, but they will also acquire essential language skills such as vocabulary building and phonemic awareness. So, let’s bring the magic of stories and the power of L words into our classrooms, making learning a delightful adventure for our young learners.

Crafts and Art Projects with L Words

L Words for Kids: Preschool & Kindergarten Activities (4)

As an expert blogger with years of experience in teaching preschool and kindergarten children, I’ve found that incorporating crafts and art projects into language lessons is a great way to engage young learners and help them remember words that start with the letter L. Here are a couple of creative ideas to get you started:

Ladybug Paper Plate Craft

One fun and interactive activity is the Ladybug Paper Plate Craft. This project not only allows children to explore their creativity but also reinforces their understanding of L words. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Gather the materials:
  2. Instruct the children to paint the backside of a paper plate red and let it dry.
  3. Once the paint is dry, have them cut out black circles from the construction paper to create the ladybug’s spots. They can then glue the spots onto the red paper plate.
  4. Next, they can add googly eyes to the ladybug’s face using glue. Encourage them to be creative in positioning the eyes.
  5. Finally, have them cut out strips of black paper and glue them to the back of the paper plate to create the ladybug’s legs.

As they complete this craft, encourage children to describe the ladybug, using L words like “ladybug,” “legs,” and “spots.” This hands-on activity will not only allow them to practice their fine motor skills but also reinforce their vocabulary in a fun and engaging way.

Lighthouse Collage

Another exciting art project is the Lighthouse Collage. This activity combines creativity with learning as children explore different textures and materials while practicing L words. Here’s how you can guide them through it:

  1. Prepare the materials:
  2. Instruct the children to create the background of the collage by gluing the large blue construction paper onto a flat surface.
  3. Then, have them cut out different shapes from the colored construction paper to represent the lighthouse, waves, and other elements of the scene. Encourage them to cut out triangles for the lighthouse and wavy lines for the waves.
  4. Next, instruct them to glue the shapes onto the blue paper to create the lighthouse and the surrounding landscape.
  5. To add a special touch, they can use cotton balls to create clouds in the sky and aluminum foil to make the light on the lighthouse shine.
  6. Finally, encourage them to use yellow and red markers to add details to the lighthouse, such as the windows and door.

While they work on their collages, encourage children to describe the different elements using L words, such as “lighthouse,” “land,” “waves,” and “light.” By engaging in this hands-on activity, children can improve their vocabulary and develop their artistic skills in an enjoyable way.


Engaging preschool and kindergarten children in language lessons can be a fun and effective way to teach them words that start with the letter L. By incorporating crafts and art projects into these lessons, we can not only capture their attention but also enhance their understanding and retention of L words.

The Ladybug Paper Plate Craft and the Lighthouse Collage are two creative activities that can be used to reinforce vocabulary and artistic skills. These projects provide children with the opportunity to explore their creativity while describing different elements using L words. This hands-on approach helps them develop a deeper understanding of the words and makes the learning process enjoyable.

By using these activities, educators and parents can create a stimulating environment that encourages children to actively participate in language lessons. Through these engaging experiences, children can expand their vocabulary, improve their artistic abilities, and develop a love for learning.

So, let’s embrace the power of crafts and art in teaching L words to our little ones and watch them thrive in their language journey.

L Words for Kids: Preschool & Kindergarten Activities (2024)
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