PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (2024)

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PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (1)

Legiones are bosses in the Monastery of Ascension. Accessing them requires an Ascension Keystone. They each have a unique mechanic which are detailed below. As ascension members, Legiones can only be efficiently harmed with ranged, as they have extremely low affinity against magic and melee attacks.

They are very good for learning how to move around and avoid mechanics while still doing damage.

Each Legio kill is worth PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (2) $data_pvme:gpkill_legio$, with PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (3) $data_pvme:gpkill_legio_keycost$ of that being profit. Advanced players can get up to $data_pvme:kph_legios$ kph, earning on average $data_pvme:gphour_legios$ gp/hr.


As ascension members, Legiones can only be efficiently harmed with ranged, as they have extremely low affinity against magic and melee attacks. They take increased damage the closer the player is to them which is why it is recommended to try to stay close to the legio during the fight.


⬥ Legio Primus' unique ability is that the lower life points he has, the more damage he will deal.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• For every 25% life points that Primus loses, his lightning orb attacks gain 200 extra damage.

Standard lighting orb attack

⬥ Using the hit-and-run tactic as normal nullifies this ability, however it is best to eat up as being caught in the middle of a lightning attack can cause massive damage.


⬥ Legio Secundus' unique ability is using the lightning orb attack more frequently as his life points lower.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• At 75% health, he will use three orb attacks, then one basic magic attack.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• At 50%, he uses a simple magic attack every four orbs, and at 25% he will exclusively attack with lightning.

Secundus' rapid lighting orbs

⬥ This is generally not a problem as using the hit-and-run tactic as normal will nullify this ability, however the lightning orbs will be more frequent so having high life points is advantageous when most of his are depleted.


⬥ Legio Tertius' unique ability is summoning Monastery of Ascension units as his health lowers

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• 3 Rorarii, 1 Gladius and 1 Capsarius when he reaches 75%, 50% and 25% of his health respectively.

⬥ The ascended spawn under Tertius, so they will can be damaged easily with Corruption Shot and Bombardment.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• The Gladius can be somewhat problematic, but since Legiones take increased damage the closer the player is to them, the Gladius is unlikely to move out from Corruption Shot and Bombardment will only force him to move away from the pile.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Should the Gladius be able to land a stun, immediately use Freedom and quickly move away before the lightning attack strikes.

A gladius rushes towards the player

Note: Any remaining minions after Tertius is killed will die.


⬥ Legio Quartus' unique ability is teleporting the player next to him when he reaches 75%, 50% and 25% life points and launching an additional lightning attack at/around the spot he teleported the player, on top of his regular attacks.

A player is teleported

⬥ Quartus is the only Legio where damage should be dealt carefully, as his ability can punish fast DPS players.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• If the player damages him too fast, then Quartus will pull the player back to the same spot when he first triggers his ability, resulting in two immediate lightning strikes dead-center which will quickly shred a player's health if Devotion is not used.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Quartus' drag is unique compared to other monsters - Freedom and Anticipation do not work, as it isn't classified as a stun attack.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ The pull also grants him a second of invulnerability, and any channeled abilities used when he drags the player are simply put on hold for the same time, after which it is cast as normal again.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• This is a very dangerous mechanic and makes Quartus the most deadly of the Legiones.


⬥ Legio Quintus' unique ability is summoning "Lines of Ascension" in the laboratory when he reaches 75%, 50% and 25% life points.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• The first and third lines he summons will run horizontally, while the second line runs vertically.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Accidentally running into lines and getting caught by orb attacks can easily kill a player regardless of experience.

⬥ Stepping on one of these lines will deal incredibly heavy damage (more than the lighting strike in terms of individual damage) - however, it only hits once each time the player runs into a line, but due to the lightning orb attacks, you'll be forced to move regardless.

⬥ It is worth noting that the player can "force" the lines to spawn as when he reaches 75%, 50% and 25% life points respectively, a line will spawn wherever the player is currently. Doing this near the edges of the laboratory will effectively nullify them if they perform the hit-and-run tactic while keeping away from them completely - however, players should note that he will take less damage the further you are from him, so this is only recommended for inexperienced players.

Note: the Lines of Ascension" are extremely similar to the Queen Black Dragon's fire walls - if you stand next to a line, then run over it, you will not take any damage from the line itself. This can allow for easier maneuverability around him to deal maximum damage without having to bring him closer.


⬥ Legio Sextus' unique ability is his lightning attacks - unlike the other Legiones, his attacks are not modified as his health decreases.

⬥ Sextus' lightning attacks last significantly longer than his fellow Legiones, as they only start to dissipate once three strikes are on the field. In addition to the increased duration of these attacks, their AoE is increased from 4x4 to 5x5.

⬥ This should be kept in mind while running around; doing so in an erratic way is not advised as the larger radius and prolonged duration can potentially slow down kills, though his laboratory is fairly large to avoid these attacks while dealing as much damage as possible. Sextus is fairly easy to kill, much like Primus and Secundus.

Simply get into MD of the boss (this is due to you doing more damage the closer you are), double bleed and walk your Fragmentation Shot PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (4). Then, do your best ranged threshold rotation (i.e. Snap Shot PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (5) and Rapid Fire PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (6), avoiding Shadow Tendrils PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (7) as Legiones have a hit cap of 7.5k and finally finish the kill with basics.

Ideally, kill times should be consistently sub 20 seconds.

For your familiars you have 3 main options:

⬥ Ripper Demon PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (8)

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• This is for the 0-5% passive damage bonus only - Do not use scrolls as the familiar rarely hits due to boss affinities-

⬥ Steel Titan PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (9)

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• It primarily uses a mix of Ranged and Melee attacks, so is only partially effective-

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• It can take a while to aggro, so is only viable for slower kills (>20s), or when manually targeting it onto the Legiones (e.g. during Snipe PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (10))

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• A budget option compared to Ripper Demon.

⬥ Unicorn Stallion (for its special attack, only if struggling for HP)

A more advanced technique worth discussing is the ability to manipulate where legiones will drop their lightning balls. This involves abusing the fact that their mechanics are based on where you click, and the fact that movement can be stopped by using an ability.

This is explained here:


This method can result in around 240-250 KPH and around 200 KPH at Quartus


⬥ Greater Ricochet PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (11)

⬥ Eldritch crossbow PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (12) with Caroming 4 PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (13)

⬥ Fleeting Boots PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (14)

⬥ Nightmare Gauntlets PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (15)

⬥ Ascension Crossbows PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (16) PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (17) or Blightbound crossbows PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (18) PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (19) (For Quartus only)

⬥ Reckless Aura PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (20)

Preset Notes

⬥ Hydrix bolts PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (22) are used as a switch in combination with Greater Ricochet PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (23) for when you're low on adrenaline.*

⬥ The generic armour perks in #perks are fine, however if planning to farm for a long time, Enhanced Devoted 4 can be swapped out for the Lucky or Absorbative perks at relatively low cost as you'll be praying Soul Split PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (24) anyway - You can easily combo Lucky 6 with Mobile if not already comboed with another perk.*


The rotation remains fairly similar between each boss but is slightly adapted to account for the mechanics of the different Legiones.

Cycle between Kill 1 and Kill 2 of each boss to allow for cooldowns. Expected kill times should be around 9-11 seconds.


⬥ Kill 1

Auto + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (25) + Run md → PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (26)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (27)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (28) PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (29) + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (30)

⬥ Kill 2

Auto + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (31) + Run md → PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (32)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (33)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (34)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (35) PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (36) + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (37)


⬥ Kill 1

Auto + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (38) + Run md → PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (39)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (40)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (41) PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (42) + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (43)

⬥ Kill 2

Auto + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (44) + Run md → PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (45)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (46)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (47)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (48) PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (49) + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (50)


⬥ Kill 1

Auto + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (51) + Run md → PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (52)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (53)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (54) PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (55) + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (56)

⬥ Kill 2

Auto + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (57) + Run md → PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (58)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (59)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (60)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (61) PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (62) + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (63)


⬥ Kill 1

Auto + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (64) + Run md → PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (65)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (66) → (At 7500 hp) PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (67)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (68)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (69) PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (70) + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (71)

⬥ Kill 2

Auto + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (72) + Run md → PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (73)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (74)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (75)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (76)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (77) PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (78) + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (79)


⬥ Kill 1

Auto + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (80) + Run md → PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (81) + Run 3 North → (Wait 2t) → Run 3 West 2 South → PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (82) → (Wait 1t) → Run 4 South → PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (83) PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (84) + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (85)

⬥ Kill 2

Auto + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (86) + Run md → PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (87) + Run 3 North → (Wait 2t) → Run 3 West 2 South → PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (88) → (Wait 1t) → Run 4 South → PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (89)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (90) PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (91) + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (92)


⬥ Kill 1

Auto + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (93) + Run md → PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (94)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (95)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (96) PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (97) + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (98)

⬥ Kill 2

Auto + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (99) + Run md → PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (100)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (101)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (102)PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (103) PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (104) + PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (105)

Navigating the Lines of Ascension at Quintus

⬥ Quintus can be one of the most dangerous Legiones when first starting out but there's a way to completely avoid the lines of Ascension by placing the lines at certain times and moving on specific ticks.

⬥ The diagram below shows where to stand on which phases and the ticks to run can be found within the Advanced Quintus rotation.

⬥ This placement of course applies to non advanced methods but you will have to adapt to the phasing hp rather than knowing exactly which tick to move on due to you dealing lower damage.

PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (106)

This is demonstrated here:


PvM Encyclopedia Guides - Legiones (2024)
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