'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (2024)

The Joker is a supervillain featured in American comic books published by DC Comics, and he’s been around for a while! The character was created by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, and Jerry Robinson for the very first issue of Batman in 1940. Joker tattoos have become extremely popular in recent years, especially following Heath Ledger’s and Joaquin Phoenix’s star turns as the villain in The Dark Knight and The Joker. The most recent, The Joker, inspires some truly phenomenal tattoos.

You might have loved the movie or just like the different iterations of the character from the comic books and movies. Whatever your reason, there is likely a Joker tattoo idea that is right for you. We decided to round up some of the best that fans have shared on social media for you to get the best design ideas for your Joker ink. Buckle up! You’re in for a wild ride.

The Smile

'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (1)

It’s slightly unnerving how detailed and realistic this Joker tattoo looks. We find a stunning likeness to Phoenix in the movie. “Why so serious?” text beneath the face reads. As you might imagine, we encountered that question countless times while researching these tattoos.


'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (2)

Jared Leto starred as the Joker in Suicide Squad, which we believe is who/what this Joker tattoo is inspired by. If you’re looking for smaller Joker tattoo ideas, something this size would fit great on the neck, the upper arm, or resized slightly for other placements.

Comic Book Glory

'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (3)

Here’s a look at one of the Joker tattoo ideas inspired by the comics. We suppose all of these are inspired by the comics to some degree, as the character originated in this form. We liked this black and grey one because it packs a real punch.

So Serious

'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (4)

We find letters forming the shape of this Joker’s face. It’s an interesting concept. “So serious?” and “Hahahaha” have been put to good use.

With Teeth

'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (5)

The nightmarishness of this character draws so many people toward him. In this rather macabre Joker tattoo, the mouth is front and center. It’s one of the Joker’s most monstrous qualities.


'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (6)

As promised, here’s a Joker tattoo idea inspired by Ledger. It’s got a haunting quality that we imagine many fans will enjoy.

Cool Colors

'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (7)

Impressive use of color makes this Joker tattoo a real standout. The diamond frame around it helps anchor the piece and give it definition. When in doubt, a frame around your tattoo is a great idea.

Go Your Own Way

'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (8)

Here we go with Heath again, a great portrait that the tattoo artist has taken care of to make look like a painting. Impressive!

High Contrast

'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (9)

If you’re looking for Joker tattoo ideas that use only black ink, go big and graphic. “You wouldn’t get it!” a quote from the film reads.

Split Face

'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (10)

We’ve got some good and evil on display here with a face that’s split with equal parts Batman and Joker. The tattoo is done in a watercolor style which lends itself well to highly stylized graphic designs.


'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (11)

In one of the most iconic moments from The Joker, we find Phoenix swinging for the fences with his daring performance. This scene from the film looks great in black and grey with a cool border effect.


'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (12)

Nightmare fuel! This Joker tattoo idea was inspired by the comics. We must say it’s one of the most bone-chilling tattoos on this list.

In the Cards

'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (13)

Here’s another Joker tattoo that’s been inspired by the character’s drawn form. Purple, green, and gold all swim together here in an energetic, if not sinister, way.


'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (14)

We find white ink used here to highlight the beloved character. It’s a cool effect that we only saw this one time. Consider something similar for your Joker tattoo ideas.

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In the Shadows

'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (15)

The Joker materializes in the shadow of Batman’s cape in what could easily be a movie poster for The Dark Knight. This is a super creative and well-executed design.

Mini Wonder

'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (16)

Sometimes going small pays off. We have seen many large Joker tattoos, but that’s not the only direction to go in. A small, highly detailed face is like a little surprise no one expects.

Graffiti Bat

'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (17)

The Batman symbol filled with Joker imagery is mildly popular among Joker tattoo ideas. Again, a sort of watercolor-meets-graffiti look gives the image plenty of energy and movement.

Another Face in the Wings

'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (18)

Now, we find the same shape filled with a menacing Joker for round two. See the difference between colorful and black inks? Choose your destiny wisely.


'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (19)

We’re not experts when it comes to the Batman comic books, but we’re fairly certain this is a fresh take on the character created by a tattoo artist. We are treated to drops of black and movement lines to give this an appealing, drawed-on look.


'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (20)

Who recalls 1989’s Batman movie that starred Jack Nicholson as the iconic character? This Joker tattoo is a love letter to it. It includes one of the most memorable lines from the film, “Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?”

This Bat’s a Joke

'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (21)

In this very well-done tattoo, we find Batman’s symbol dissolving into the Joker’s laughter. We love the transition from black ink to purple and red.


'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (22)

Patch or embroidery tattoos have become a growing trend. This is one of the most successful ones we have encountered. There’s something both childlike and unhinged about it.

Patch II

'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (23)

Next up! We are treated to Ledger’s joker in this example. Aren’t these types of tattoos fun? We encourage you to consider them among your Joker tattoo ideas.

So Real

'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (24)

How do you feel about hyperrealism? Not every tattoo artist can pull off this style, but some really can knock it out of the park. Do your homework and look at past tattoos to find an artist who can do something equally as captivating for you.

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Give Him a Hand

'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (25)

We leave you with one of the weirder Joker tattoo ideas on this list that find’s the character’s face on the back of a hand. Think outside of the box for the most singular and unique designs. After all, you want something no one else can claim.

There you go! What did you think of these the Joker tattoo ideas? We hope you found them to be as exciting and, at times, intimidating as we did. There’s no right or wrong way to go about it. Just be true to yourself and work with a talented artist who can help you realize your vision. Happy tattooing!


  • 1 The Smile
  • 2 O.X.
  • 3 Comic Book Glory
  • 4 So Serious
  • 5 With Teeth
  • 6 Heath
  • 7 Cool Colors
  • 8 Go Your Own Way
  • 9 High Contrast
  • 10 Split Face
  • 11 Revelry
  • 12 Intense
  • 13 In the Cards
  • 14 Unique
  • 15 In the Shadows
  • 16 Mini Wonder
  • 17 Graffiti Bat
  • 18 Another Face in the Wings
  • 19 Nightmarish
  • 20 Bang!
  • 21 This Bat’s a Joke
  • 22 Patch
  • 23 Patch II
  • 24 So Real
  • 25 Give Him a Hand

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'Why So Serious?' 25 Joker Tattoo Ideas That Rock (2024)


Why so serious is the Joker tattoo meaning? ›

13. Joker Tattoo Why So Serious. One of the most famous phrases associated with Joker is “Why So Serious?” It often is related to the HAHAHA and can represent how the Joker doesn't take anything seriously in life. He does evil things and laughs about them.

What do Joker tattoo designs mean? ›

A Joker tattoo might also symbolize the qualities the character stands for, like nonconformity, rebellion, or total chaos. A Joker or jester tattoo might also represent mischief or humor, and the desire to bring some levity into everyday life.

What does the Joker's tattoo mean in Suicide Squad? ›

He uses the left-hand grin to hide his own smile during one scene, suggesting the tattoos are to hide his own insecurity over Batman smashing out his real teeth. A pretty self-explanatory one, with this torso tattoo literally branding the character as the Joker.

What does a Joker's forehead tattoo say? ›

In the 2016 DC Comics movie, Leto's version of the green-haired, pale-faced villain had the word “damaged” tattooed across his forehead. While Ayer defended his Joker's “originality” in a 2018 tweet, he also acknowledged that “some people found it alienating”.

What does the Joker tattoo mean in mental health? ›

Many people who have faced challenging life experiences use Joker tattoos to remind themselves of their strength and resilience. For them, the Joker represents overcoming hardship and coming out on the other side stronger and wiser. Of course, not everyone who gets a Joker tattoo does so for the same reasons.

What does the Joker stand for? ›

While Batman represents justice and order, the Joker is his complete opposite, seeing himself as an agent of chaos, the living embodiment of the cruel randomness of fate.

What is Harley Quinn tattoo called? ›

The tattoo could also double as a beauty mark, like those historically used to cover up smallpox scars. One of Quinn's most iconic tattoos is her “Daddy's Lil Monster” tattoo. This tattoo is located over Harley Quinn's heart and is in reference to the Joker.

What does the spades symbol mean tattoo? ›

The most common is that it represents good luck. This is because the spade is the ace of clubs in a deck of playing cards, and the ace is considered to be the highest-ranking card. As such, many people believe that a black spade tattoo will bring them good fortune in all aspects of their lives.

What does the crown tattoo mean? ›

Crown Tattoo represents power, legitimacy, victory, triumph, self-control and glory. Crown Tattoos can be portrayed in many variations and designs.

What does the serious black tattoo mean? ›

The big tattoo by his sternum is the alchemical symbol for amalgamation, which is linked to the gray wolf. The one on his lower right pec is similar to the symbol for steel, but rotated 90 degrees. This might have something to do with his ability to become a dog.

Why so serious meaning? ›

As a meme, Why so serious? is generally used as a response on social media when someone is seen to be overly upset or earnest about something. It's the equivalent of telling a person to “calm down” or “chill out.” The meme is usually meant to be read in a sarcastic, or prodding way.

What does the tattoo on DeMar DeRozan mean? ›

DeMar DeRozan said his father Frank was a great dad because he never missed a basketball game or practice. So to ensure that “The Big Dog” will continue to have a presence in every game and practice, the Chicago Bulls guard inked a left shoulder tattoo of a memorable photo of his father.

What does the clown tattoo on the eye mean? ›

Common among gang members, clown face or mask tattoos can have many different meanings. “Laugh now, cry later,” “play now, pay later,” and “my happy life, my sad life” are just a few.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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