World Teachers Day 2023: A Day for Recognition and Support (2024)

Each October, we celebrate World Teachers Day. But what exactly is this holiday, and how is it different from Teacher Appreciation Day? Learn all about this special day, and find ideas for celebrating World Teachers Day 2023.

When is World Teachers Day?

World Teachers Day is held each year on October 5. It commemorates the 1966 signing of the International Labour Organization (ILO)-United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Recommendation Concerning the Status of Teachers. This important document set international standards for the treatment of teachers, including recruitment, training, continuing education, and labor conditions.

Note that some countries celebrate World Teachers Day on a different date, depending on their local school calendars and customs. For instance, India celebrates on September 5, while Australia holds it on the last Friday in October.

What is World Teachers Day?

First celebrated in 1994, World Teachers Day was created by UNESCO and Education International (EI). It’s an international holiday, one that’s meant to recognize the importance of teachers across the globe.

You might be wondering how World Teachers Day is different from Teacher Appreciation Day or Week. Teacher Appreciation Day/Week is a U.S. holiday, held toward the end of each school year in May. Its purpose is to give students, parents, and the community a chance to thank teachers for all their hard work throughout the year.

World Teachers Day has a somewhat loftier goal. While this is definitely a day to show teacher appreciation, it’s also a time to consider bigger issues related to teaching and education. Each year, UNESCO and EI partner to create a theme. They then use World Teachers Day as a springboard to draw community and media attention to this theme, starting conversations on topics that matter to teachers. Past themes have included Teacher Empowerment (2017) and The Transformation of Education Begins With Teachers (2022).

What’s the theme for World Teachers Day 2023?

World Teachers Day 2023: A Day for Recognition and Support (1)

For 2023, UNESCO/EI have declared the theme to be: “The Teachers We Need for the Education We Want: The Global Imperative to Reverse the Teacher Shortage.”

Educators everywhere know just how timely 2023’s theme is. Statistics show that 55% of teachers now expect to leave the profession earlier than they had planned, with 35% expecting to quit in the next two years. Nearly half of BIPOC teachers say they’re unlikely to stay in the classroom in the years to come. (Learn more about these teacher shortage statistics here.)

In many states and communities, teaching becomes more challenging every day. New laws regularly restrict what and how educators teach. Cuts in funding strip away vital education resources and lower teacher salaries. We’re facing a dangerous time when even schools with plenty of funding still may not be able to find qualified teachers willing to stay in the classroom.

Focusing the World Teachers Day 2023 theme on reversing the global teacher shortage may help bring this issue front and center, forcing communities to face the startling facts about this looming crisis.

How can we celebrate World Teachers Day?

Schools and communities can (and should) take several approaches to celebrating World Teachers Day 2023. First, spend the day appreciating teachers, publicly and privately, for their hard work. We’ve got some fun ideas to try below.

But even more importantly, take the opportunity to bring wider attention to major teacher issues, including 2023’s teacher shortage theme. If we want to show teachers we truly appreciate them, we need to actually support them in and out of the classroom. Appreciation gifts and thank-you notes are lovely, but what teachers really want is recognition of the issues they face, financial and administrative support of their actions, and respect for their skill and expertise. We have suggestions for how schools and communities can do that too.

World Teachers Day: Teacher Appreciation and Recognition Ideas

  • Thank a teacher. Encourage students, parents, and the community to write thank-you notes to teachers in their lives. Heartfelt messages really do mean a lot, as these teachers can attest.
  • Find ways to make their jobs easier that day. Administrators and support staff might take over classrooms for an hour, giving teachers a few much-needed minutes to catch up.
  • Ask local businesses to join in. Encourage them to offer teacher discounts or freebies on October 5, or to contribute treats or beverages for the teacher’s lounge that day.
  • Fulfill their wishes. Have teachers create Amazon Wish Lists or DonorsChoose campaigns, or conduct surveys to find out what they need for their classrooms. Engage the community in helping to make these wishes a reality.
  • Give them a token of appreciation. Truly thoughtful teacher gifts are always appreciated. Get lots of ideas here.
  • Buy them lunch—and give them time to actually eat it. Provide a delicious meal (remember to accommodate dietary restrictions), and ensure they get the chance to enjoy it. Consider asking parents to step in and cover extra-long lunches that day.

See even more Teacher Appreciation ideas here.

World Teachers Day: Ways to Support Teachers on the Wider Stage

  • Amplify their voices. Use school social media channels to share articles about World Teachers Day and the 2023 theme. Post follow-up articles about teacher shortages to start community conversation, and share thought-provoking quotes from local teachers and those around the world (see below).
  • Hold a community town hall. Invite parents and other community members to a constructive dialogue about ways to tackle your school’s major teacher issues.
  • Fight for teachers. Mount a letter-writing campaign to local or state government regarding teacher issues. Get students and parents involved, and push for real, meaningful change.
  • Listen to teachers. School administration can use World Teachers Day as a chance to sincerely solicit teacher thoughts and opinions. Welcome their feedback, and look for concrete changes your school can make to support teacher efforts.
  • Participate in planned activities. Bookmark UNESCO’s World Teachers Day page to find out what they have planned for October 5, 2023.

World Teachers Day Quotes to Share

“I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and that teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit.” —John Steinbeck

World Teachers Day 2023: A Day for Recognition and Support (2)

“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” —Henry Brook Adams

World Teachers Day 2023: A Day for Recognition and Support (3)

“Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions.” —Unknown

World Teachers Day 2023: A Day for Recognition and Support (4)

“The best thing about being a teacher is that it matters. The hardest thing about being a teacher is that it matters every day.” —Todd Whitaker

World Teachers Day 2023: A Day for Recognition and Support (5)

“Teaching is the greatest act of optimism.” —Colleen Wilcox

World Teachers Day 2023: A Day for Recognition and Support (6)

“If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.” —John Dewey

World Teachers Day 2023: A Day for Recognition and Support (7)

“The duties of a teacher are neither few nor small, but they elevate the mind and give energy to the character.” —Dorothea Dix

World Teachers Day 2023: A Day for Recognition and Support (8)

“Teachers appreciate being appreciated, for teacher appreciation is their highest award.” —William Prince

World Teachers Day 2023: A Day for Recognition and Support (9)

Find more inspirational quotes about teachers and teaching here.

Does your school community celebrate World Teachers Day? Come share your experiences in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, the Big List of Teacher Discounts and Perks in 2023.

World Teachers Day 2023: A Day for Recognition and Support (10)
World Teachers Day 2023: A Day for Recognition and Support (2024)


What is the message for World Teachers Day 2023? ›

Happy World Teachers' Day 2023: Messages

Your guidance and passion for teaching have ignited a lifelong love for learning in me. Thank you for everything you do! To the amazing teacher who makes every day an adventure in learning, I appreciate your dedication and creativity. Happy Teachers' Day!

What is the theme for 2023 Teachers Day? ›

World Teachers' Day 2023: This year, the theme for World Teachers' Day is 'The Teachers We Need for the Education We Want: The Global Imperative to Reverse the Teacher Shortage'. World Teachers' Day 2023: The global observance of World Teachers' Day began in 1994.

Why is it important to celebrate World Teachers Day? ›

World Teachers' Day encourages us to reflect on the positive impact teachers have had on our lives and reminds us of the importance of becoming lifelong learners. In conclusion, World Teachers' Day is an occasion to celebrate and appreciate the incredible work of educators.

What are the best message for Teachers Day? ›

Happy World Teachers' Day to all the educators who shape our future. Thank you for lighting the path of knowledge for us. Your influence goes beyond books. You have taught us the valuable life lessons that will help us become a better person.

What is a simple message for Happy Teachers Day? ›

Wishing you a joyful Teachers' Day! Thank you for instilling a love for learning in us. Happy Teachers' Day, and may your passion continue to shine brightly. To the teacher who made a difference in my life, I owe you more than words can express.

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Inspirational Quotes About Teaching
  • "Teaching is more than imparting knowledge; it is inspiring change. ...
  • "Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best." –Bob Talbert.
  • "Nine-tenths of education is encouragement." –Anatole France.
  • "I touch the future.
May 17, 2023

What is the meaning of Teachers Day? ›

New Delhi,UPDATED: Sep 5, 2023 11:15 IST. Every year, on September 5, Teacher's Day is celebrated to honour the invaluable contributions of educators. It's a day when students and society express their gratitude and appreciation for the teachers who have dedicated their lives to shaping young minds.

What is the story of Teachers Day? ›

When Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan assumed office as the second President of India in 1962, his students approached him to seek permission to celebrate September 5 as a special day. He instead, requested them to observe September 5 as Teachers' Day to acknowledge the invaluable contribution of teachers to society.

How to celebrate Teachers Day essay? ›

Strengthen Student- Teacher Bond

Students dress up as teachers and take lectures on this day, and by doing so, they understand the hardships of being a teacher. They understand the true value of their teachers and the hard work and effort they put in. This raises the respect they have for their teachers.

How do people celebrate World Teachers Day? ›

1. Say 'Thank You' to Your Teacher. Students can give their teacher a teachers' day card or gift, write a poem or create a piece of artwork. Teachers feel happy when they know that their students are learning something and their work is not in vain.

What are the best message for Teachers Day from parents? ›

Thank You Teacher Messages from Parents

Thank you for all the love, care, and dedication that you put into teaching our child! We are beyond grateful for your guidance and support. To the best teacher—your hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed. Words cannot capture my appreciation!

What is the Colour theme for Teachers Day? ›

Orange yellow, the lovely and beautiful color of marigolds.

What day of the week will World teacher Appreciation Day be on next year 2023 )? ›

When is World Teachers' Day 2023? World Teachers' Day is celebrated annually on October 5th. In 2023, this day falls on a Thursday, providing a perfect mid-week opportunity to express gratitude and admiration for educators.

What is the theme of what teachers make? ›

As a central theme to the poem, Mali emphasizes that education isn't just about what kids learn in textbooks or classrooms; it isn't solely about subject matter (English, math, and science). The type of education that teachers provide is education concerning life. Many lines in “What Teachers Make” emphasize this.

Is it National Teachers Day today? ›

U.S. National Teachers' Day is observed on the first Tuesday of the first full week of May (May 7) and we're more than ready to show our appreciation to those who have taught us. Everyone has had that favorite teacher that has helped inspire them.

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